It took so long.

Feb 9, 2022
Source: iStock

It’s difficult to believe

It took so long

To find you.

To see your face for what it really is;

What your voice truly sounds like;

And comprehend your message to its core.

I’ve worn your semantics with the wrong pair of shoes

And ran miles with it.

The path may not have been what you intended me to walk on

But I ended up running your way anyway.

With sore quads and calves and jelly knees

I collapsed into understanding.

Aha! There you were all along.

And so I understand why

It took so long

To find you.

It’s frightening but nice to finally

Meet you.

MFA. 2022




“The thrill I get when my face in yours I see; The Universe loves Itself through Its Twin. That’s why It multiplies” — MFA. Writer. IG: @mfa.phnx