High and Mighty.

1 min readFeb 23, 2021
Source: iStock

Why does this term elude me so much?

The word that should describe the moments

When Time dwells,

No I mean, dances on the tip of its toes

On this steep and flourishing hill

That I always fail to find a name for.

Happiness. Hm, too shallow a word…

Euphoria. Too agitated to compare to what

Time does in that spectrum of life events.

The dance of time on top of beautiful hills

Marking the highs of a curve that allows me

To taste grace via dopamine explosions.

Gentle and graceful,

Concise in duration.

And just like that…I can name these my better days.

When agony and restlessness are not harassing me,

When I’m not on a leash.

When I get to hold hands with Time

And dance

And watch the seconds pass as slowly

As I orchestrate my deep breaths.

When I’m as high…

As a kite;

Yet with a clear vision of the landscape around me.

When I actually have my wisdom packed with me;

But instead of a burden I never get to unpack when needed

I wear my wisdom intimately like silk and lace under my cotton attire.

Those are moments Time gifts me with.

When I get to truly feel

High and Mighty.





“The thrill I get when my face in yours I see; The Universe loves Itself through Its Twin. That’s why It multiplies” — MFA. Writer. IG: @mfa.phnx