Don’t treat writing like a race.

2 min readMar 2, 2022

It’s easy to lose sight of what truly matters.

The reason I joined Medium a little more than a year ago and stopped publishing poetry on my writer’s instagram account is now again showing its face to me…and I’ve caught myself finding Medium a bit more of an unpleasant place to be in. Without the holy Hundred, you’re kicked out of the program. Ouch! Hold on…why did I say Ouch?

I didn’t join Medium for the money. But a bit more for the audience. And even more for myself and my development as a writer. This shouldn’t be the place for me to secondguess myself and think five times before pushing a publication. Just like I used to back on my instagram page. No, I came here to learn and write. And write. And write again and again and once more.

Yes, I did join the Partner Program, but earnings aren’t my main goal just yet. Because I know I’m not at the top of my game in that regard yet. So instead of dreading the potential loss of membership for now — because I actually did get slightly worried I’ll just focus on dropping my inhibitions and letting loose on what holds me back when I try to bring my inner landscape alive on paper (or screen).

I have several drafts I’m preparing to push out into the open on this website in the days and weeks to come. And I’m excited to see how much I’ll impress myself by doing so. And hopefully it’ll be of enough quality to retain attention. The goal is to sharpen the pen and become a true alchemist.

Before I wrap up I’d still like to thank those who read me and clap for and comment on some of my publications. I appreciate the feedback beyond measure. Be safe, stay creative and keep the Medium writer and reader community thriving with your ideas.

See you next time on paper.





“The thrill I get when my face in yours I see; The Universe loves Itself through Its Twin. That’s why It multiplies” — MFA. Writer. IG: @mfa.phnx